To prevent the employment of minors, "individuals under 18," in any occupations found hazardous or detrimental to the health and well-being of minors, the Director of the Ohio Department of Commerce is authorized to issue rules pursuant to Section 4109.05 of the Ohio Revised Code prohibiting the employment of minors in occupations determined to be hazardous.
The following is a summary only and should not be construed as a complete listing of prohibited occupations for minors.
Occupations Prohibited for ALL Minors
- Slaughtering, meat-packing, processing rendering
- Operation of power driven slicers; bakery machines; paper product machines; metal forming; punching or shearing machines; circular and band saws; guillotine shears; woodworking machines
- Manufacture of brick, tile, and kindred products
- Manufacture and storage of chemicals or explosives, or exposure to radioactive and ionizing radiation substances
- Coal mining and mining other than coal
- Logging and saw milling
- Motor vehicle, railroads, maritime , and longshoreman occupations
- Excavation operations, wrecking, demolition, and shipbreaking
- Power-driven and hoisting apparatus equipment
- Roofing operations
Occupations Prohibited for 14 and 15 year old Minors
- Manufacturing and warehouse occupations (except office and clerical work)
- Public messenger services occupations
- Work in freezers; meat coolers and all preparations of meats for sale (except wrapping, sealing labeling, weighing, pricing and stocking)
- Transportation; storage, communications, public utilities; construction and repair
- Work in boilers or engine rooms; maintenance or repair of machinery
- Outside window washing from window sills, scaffolding, ladders or their substitutes
- Cooking, baking, operating, setting up, adjusting, cleaning, oiling, or repairing power-driven food slicers, grinders, food choppers cutters, baker type mixers
- Loading or unloading goods to and from trucks, railroad cars or conveyors
- Work with cars and trucks involving pits, racks, or lifting apparatus
- Inflation of tires mounted on rimes equipped with a removable retaining ring
- For-profit door-to-door employment (unless the employer is registered with this division)
Door-to-Door Registration Requirements
For-profit employers may only employ minors under 16 if registered with this division and if they are in compliance with all Ohio and federal laws relating to the employment of minors, Ohio Motor Vehicle Financial Responsibility, Workers' Compensation, Unemployment Compensation and all other applicable laws relating to employment. In addition, they must: provide at least one supervisor over the age of 18 for each 6 minor employees; require all minors to work at least in pairs and have appropriate age and schooling certificates; not employ any minor under 16 in employment activities before 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m.; and not employ any minor under 18 in employment activities before 7:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m.
To obtain a copy of the Ohio Minor Labor Laws poster or door-to-door registration application, please contact:
Division of Industrial Compliance & Labor, Wage and Hour Bureau
6606 Tussing Road, P.O. Box 4009
Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068-9009, (614) 644-2239
Information on this site is believed to be accurate but is not guaranteed. The State of Ohio disclaims any liability for any errors or omissions. |