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To: All Employers in the State of Ohio
From: Division of Industrial Compliance & Labor, Wage and Hour Bureau
Subject: Minor Wage Agreement

Section 4109.10 of the Ohio Revised Code reads as follows:

“No employer shall give employment to a minor without agreeing with him as to the wages or compensation he shall receive for each day, week, month, or year; or per piece, for work performed. The employer shall furnish the minor with written evidence of the agreement and on or before each payday, with a statement of the earnings due and the amount to be paid to him. No employer shall reduce the wages or compensation of any minor without giving him notice at least twenty-four hours previous to the reduction, at which time a written agreement shall be entered into with the minor as in the case of original employment.

The following form is furnished as a guide or sample, and may be reproduced by any employer. This form should be prepared in duplicate and signed by both the employer and the minor. One copy to be given to the minor and the other copy to be retained by the employer in the personnel file of the minor.

Employer _______________________________________________
Date ______/______/______has employed ___________________________________________________________,
a minor who is under 18 years of age and agree that minor shall be paid at the rate of $ ___________ per hour. We also have on file a working certificate for said minor, unless otherwise exempt under Chapter 4109.

Date of Birth ______/______/______

Minor's Signature _______________________________________________________

Owner or Official Signature _______________________________________________

LAW 1004

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